Monday, December 03, 2007

little changes..

So you may or may not notice some changes.

1. I don't use the blog roll. I use feeds now and I have many more that I read in feeds than were on my blog roll. It felt strange that some of my favorites were not on the roll, then of course I felt bad if every one of my friends wasn't on there... and then I wasn't even using it. So blogroll is gone. There will be some things replacing it soon though, so if you love to blog hop don't worry. Also I plan to occasionally have a small post where I tell you about some cool awesome blog I go to, because I go to some pretty amazing ones.

2. I just noticed the lables box. So I'm going to be using it sometimes now.

that's all for now, but I reserve the right to make other changes.


blah said...

I hear ya! I know I have to get rid of my blogroll. My Google Reader is the only way I can sorta keep up on blogs and I just don't update my blog roll any longer. Thanks for giving me permission to get rid of it :-)

emilia in Taiwan said...

I use google reader too!